Well, as you all know, I'm a huge fan of The X-Files and, consequently, a huge fan of Gillian Anderson. Below is a link to the trailer for her new movie called STRAIGHTHEADS that is to be released sometime in April. Apparently they tried submitting it to the Toronto Film Festival and the response was great, but they didn't get in because they were told it was too "nasty." Not sure what that means, exactly, but it may have something to do with the plot. I'm not sure how explicit the scenes are. (In the movie, Gillian Anderson plays Alice, a woman who gets brutally raped and then desides, with the help of her boyfriend, to take revenge into her own hands.) Not exactly a light-hearted plot, but her performace looks AMAZING, as you will see in the trailer. And, in all fairness, the trailer itself is quite good - makes it look like an exciting movie (which is what a trailer should do!).
Here's a better description of the flm: A couple returning from an exhilarating night of partying and choreographed debauchery in a lavish country house, speed down a wooded and desolate road that catapults them both into a fateful collision and a brutal and unprovoked attack which leaves them both emotionally and physically scarred. An attack that fuels their mission for revenge…
http://straightblog.typepad.com/ - OFFICIAL BLOG
This is the online blog of first-time director Dan Reed, in which he documents the experience of making this movie. It's quite interesting to read--and fun. The trailer is on YOUTUBE (and has gotten very positive reviews) but I'd suggest watching the trailer on the above site for better quality (scroll down the page and you'll see the little "screen" where you can play the trailer). There's are also other fun videos throughout the blog.
wow... that looks awesome! definitely racy... but awesome.
i'll be adding that to my "must see" list :)
Gillian Anderson is British!? I did not know that.
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